Monday, June 1, 2009

Today Good Nutrition is Not Enough

Dr. Charles Mabray said that good health isn’t the result of a one-time shot. We can’t take a supplement, even one as wonderful as MaxGXL or Max N-Fuze, for a month or two and expect a lifetime of good health.

We need to continue to take such supplements, but we also need to exercise regularly, get enough sleep and eat well. If we smoke or knowingly put other toxins or free radicals into our bodies we need to stop.

Even when we do things that are good for the body we need to refuel. Dr. Keller pointed out that during a workout the body uses up a lot of glutathione, vitamins and minerals. It’s no wonder that the bodies of well-conditioned professional athletes, who compete at the highest levels, need time to recover.

MaxGXL does not replace the need for high quality, targeted nutrients. Vitamins and minerals are essential to the health of the cell. When you look at the basics that every cell needs Max N-Fuze becomes another vital piece of the puzzle.

Like MaxGXL it supports the body’s own natural cellular function. Max N-Fuze, in addition to supporting glutathione production and leptin sensitivity, provides vitamins B, C, D and E, CoQ10, and supports the production of the critical antioxidants, superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase. Dr. Davidson believes MaxGXL and Max N-Fuze are a one-two punch providing the cells the nutrients they need for total cell health.

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